OT: ImageInfo or some other tool to detect Animated Gifs.

Duncan, Brian M. brian.duncan at kattenlaw.com
Tue Oct 17 16:17:58 IST 2006

I know it's off topic, with all the Fuzzy OCR talk and ImageInfo talk I
figured someone might know.

Any way to specifically detect an animated GIF?  Now we are getting
(very few but I am sure it will increase) these animated GIF pump and
dump Spams that Fuzzy OCR cannot process succesfully.  I will paste one
in here, I hope this message is not caught as Spam.  I am not sure if
it's the OCR engine or the way the animate GIF is designed.

As you see it slowly scrolls through the text included in the image,
then if you wait long enough (like 10 minutes) the final frames of this
animated GIF are only the background with NO text.

Based on what Fuzzy OCR is telling me the only text it sees is some /
and \.  (Which happen to be what is left on the final frames of this

If I could just add a score for ANY included animated gif I highly doubt
I would have any false positives.

Thanks for any info.


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