What is causing this rule to be tripped?

Michael Masse mrm at medicine.wisc.edu
Fri Nov 10 21:29:55 GMT 2006

>>> On 11/10/2006 at 2:33 PM, in message
<01BCE961CD5E4146B83F920FC6A4F2353FD1B7 at cmexchange01.CourtesyMortgage.local>,
"Jason Williams" <jwilliams at courtesymortgage.com> wrote:
>> Never had an issue like this before.   This morning a pdf
>>tripped the 
>>deny    .{150,}     Very long filename rule.   The filename is:
>>RealTime Ultra.pdf
>>Anyone know what could cause this?
> I have had these stripped off before and I think it is because there
> a space between 'RealTime' and 'Ultra' 
> I also would get this stripped if the file would be named like:
> RealTime.Ultra.pdf
> I could be wrong though.
> -Jason

Thanks.   Looking at the log I can now see that the length of the
filename was indeed over 150 characters long.


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