Might be off topic

Rob Poe rpoe at plattesheriff.org
Tue May 9 15:51:01 IST 2006

>What type of implementation would you use for say a 2 million email 
>account system?

Nice.  20,000,000 / 24 = 833333.333... per hour /60 = 13888 per min /
60 = 230 per second...

Are you scanning for spam or just viruses?  If spam, how restrictive
the rulesets.  Why do you assume people will only get 10 a day?  The
unwashed masses (sorry, slashdot reference) sign up for every cotton
picken thing in the world that says *FREE!!!!!! 

Not to mention spam harvest bots, the inability to block other
countries (with 2 million people, you can't just make arbitrary
decisions about what countries you will and won't allow email from ..
for instance, there is no chance I'll ever do business with China.  So
on my mail server I have them blacklisted.  

With a 2 million account system .. that's not an option.  Your cross
section of people will be too great.

I was thinking I would have 4 - 4 processor 64 bit systems with 16Gb of
and 1 - 4 processor 64bit system for mailwatch.

Do you think this would be able to take the load?

If everyone got 10 emails a day that is 20 million emails in one day. 
Each system would have to handle 5 million emails. which should be ok.

I would really like to know your thoughts.



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