how to bock mailservers that have only an ip address

Kai Schaetzl maillists at
Tue May 2 22:31:19 IST 2006

John Rudd wrote on Mon, 1 May 2006 11:37:11 -0700:

> Actually, like MailScanner, MIMEDefang uses persistent perl processes 
> not per-scan nor per-message perl processes.  The difference isn't in 
> spawning processes, the difference is in the bulk nature of the actual 
> processing being done (MailScanner bulk scans messages during virus 
> scanning, and MIMEDefang scans messages one at a time for all aspects 
> of scanning). 

Ok. But that means you need to have enough children waiting to cater for 
your connections and to spawn new ones if you get more incoming connections. 
There's not that strict dependency with MS because of the queueing.

> Again, that's not the actual trade-off.  You can do quarantine with 
> MIMEDefang, too.

But then you obviously loose some of the extra functionality of MimeDefang, 
don't you?

> That's not too different from what I'm doing or proposing.  I'm just 
> saying that MIMEDefang lets you add more technical reasons to do the 
> blocking at the MTA level.

I surely believe that, but I'd rather prefer using one or two extra C-based 
milters for that if I wanted to instead of using a second MailScanner-like 

> The rest is pretty much all the same.

That's what I mean, the both are pretty much alternatives and not so much 
complimentary. Sure, you can use both, but I'd rather not do that.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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