{Spam?} Re: Changin MX machine to it's own, recommendations please...

Alex Neuman alex at nkpanama.com
Tue May 2 16:51:32 IST 2006

Rob Morin escribió:
> do not scan for spam ro virus for any email coming form this machine 
> IP? as i need the load to go done on the older machine and do not want 
> MS being used for anything other than email going out form web apps on 
> the server....
The problem is that Web Apps running on the server (like a PHP-based CMS 
for example) will send mail that appears to come from if the 
webpage is running on the same server MailScanner is running, so 
whitelisting that IP will mean that if your server is compromised it 
will send out bad e-mails without any sort of control.

Otherwise you can use "scan messages" along with a ruleset to avoid 
scanning local messages.

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