Problem with MailScanner/DBD-SQLite on Solaris 8

Adrian Barker A.Barker at
Wed Mar 22 16:59:26 GMT 2006

A.Barker at wrote:
> Is anyone else having problems installing MailScanner (4.51.6-1) on 
> Solaris 8 due to DBD-SQLite  ? There is an entry about this in the
> MAQ, which fixes the undefined symbol problem, but a 'make test' then
> fails with:
> t/00basic...............ok t/01logon...............ok 
> t/02cr_table............DBD::SQLite::db do failed: not an error(21)
> at dbdimp.c line 398 at t/02cr_table.t line 10. DBD::SQLite::st
> execute failed: not an error(21) at dbdimp.c line 398 at
> t/02cr_table.t line 12. # Failed test 2 in t/02cr_table.t at line 12 
> # Failed test 3 in t/02cr_table.t at line 14 ...
> This is with DBD-SQLite-1.11.
> Adrian Barker, Information Systems University College London, Gower
> Street, London WC1E 6BT External phone: (+44) 020 7679  2795,  Fax
> (+44) 20 7388 5406 Internal phone: x 32795 Email: A.Barker at

A solution to this problem has been found at:
which states:

> You'll need to go into dbdimp.c and change the two calls to
> sqlite3_prepare() so that the third argument is -1 rather than zero.
> This is due to the change in check-in 3047.

Adrian Barker,
University College London.

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