mail queue size errors

Harondel J. Sibble mailscanner at
Thu Mar 16 18:14:19 GMT 2006

On 16 Mar 2006 at 11:22, Drew Marshall wrote:

> This is not a MailScanner error but a Postfix one. Check for
> message_size_limit option and adjust accordingly. 

That doesn't exist in the on this box :-( Ahh.... the default for 
that setting is 10mb... I've defined it for 40mb and it seems to be working 
fine now.  Thanks

> server that doesn't understand ESMTP (Where the message size parameter is
> checked) sends a file. In plain SMTP the message size parameter is not
> checked and relies on the MTA bouncing the message.

Thanks, I was wondering about that, it's been a while since I looked at the 
smtp vs. esmtp features.

Harondel J. Sibble 
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user.
help at (use pgp keyid 0x3AD5C11D)
(604) 739-3709 (voice/fax)      (604) 686-2253 (pager)

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