Big Loads

Ken A ka at
Sat Mar 11 00:48:37 GMT 2006

Is this a dedicated MailScanner/SA box?

Have you consulted the MAQ about performance issues? You should be able 
to run SA unless your hardware is obsolete or you've insufficient RAM.

We run 3 MailScanner/SA with lots of SARE rules, dccifd and rbl checks 
in SA. The boxes are all dual 2+ ghz xeons with 1-2gb of ram.

One of them also runs DCCD (a real ram memory hog) and even it can push 
through 150K messages a day if it has to.

Your MTA should give you some protection from "Massive SPAM attacks" as 

Darth Sidious (it must be friday)

Anakin SkyWalker wrote:
> We  have a busy mail server (150K msgs/day). Spamassassin is not a
> option for us even with newer versions because it slows down the scan
> processes in such a way that the incoming queue goes high quickly.
> We're using MailScanner for 2 years now and we're glad it exists. But
> sometimes even with no third part software for spam checks (SA), it
> slows down the machine and the queues go up again. Of course it only
> happens when we're getting massive spam attacks. We're looking for a
> solution and we do want to use SpamAssassin. Anyone with a similar
> problem to exchange tips, or even experienced users that know how to
> deal with such problems?
> Thank you.
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