MailScanner SMTP question

Stephen Swaney steve.swaney at
Wed Mar 8 21:47:41 GMT 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Julian Field
> Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 2:15 PM
> To: MailScanner discussion
> Subject: Re: MailScanner SMTP question
> Hash: SHA1
> Scott Silva wrote:
> > Julian Field spake the following on 3/6/2006 3:00 AM:
> >
> >> The one thing you can do to alleviate this with MailScanner is to use
> >> the "IPBlock" code within It only works with
> >> sendmail, if I remember correctly. You can put the maximum limit of
> >> email messages per hour that you accept from a domain or a block of
> >> IP addresses. Once it gets more messages that that from an address
> >> (or IP) it starts telling sendmail to block mail from that address.
> >> Once an hour the counters are reset.
> >>
> >> Not many people use this, which is why it isn't a core feature, but
> >> the person who asked me to write it makes great use of it.
> >>
> >> Fundamentally, this is really a job for you MTA, and not MailScanner
> >> at all. If you are using sendmail, then there are milters such as
> >> milter-ahead which will check the addresses it receives are real on
> >> your system, and rejects all messages that are being delivered to non-
> >> existent addresses. It is a lot faster than you might think it would
> >> be, as it does lots of caching, and it will reject a message long
> >> before the content of the message is transmitted. Thoroughly
> >> recommended. There are mailing list postings and Wiki pages that will
> >> tell you how to do something similar on other MTAs.
> >>
> >> On 6 Mar 2006, at 03:19, Laurent Dinclaux wrote:
> >>
> > Is there a free equivalent to Milter-ahead? Or does my copy I got
> "before" it
> > wasn't free still work?
> He doesn't charge much, does he? I thought it was something like a
> nominal $99? How much is your time worth implementing something else?
> - --
> Julian Field
> Buy the MailScanner book at
> Professional Support Services at
> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

It's well worth 90 euros. You get a permanent site license to use on all
systems on you site and free updates :) I haven't fond anything else with
the same features and as reliable for free. 

If you bought Milter-ahead 1.0, 1.1 is now available for free download for
the Snertsoft site


Stephen Swaney
Fort Systems Ltd.
stephen.swaney at

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