stopping spam from own domain

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Sat Mar 4 14:50:29 GMT 2006

On 03/03/06, pal at <pal at> wrote:
> Running Mailscanner version 4.44.6 and latest version of sendmail on
> Fedora core 3, I have a problem with a lot of spam sent to my domain. The
> spam mail are recognized as sent from my own domain, with fake sender and
> fake receiver addresses.
> My domain is, and the mail are sent to george at from
> admin at This is of cource not true.
> How can I get rid of these mails?
> --
> Pål Monstad

In Postfix (if you had used that MTA) this is rather easy: Just set up
appropriate restrictions for the helo_restrictions and
sender_restrictions ... a RE map matching your domain and returning a
"REJECT you are not me" would handle it nicely (in fact, this is
precisely what I do:-).
I'm not current on other MTAs, but imagine something can be done there too.

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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