[OT] Strip attachment and add link for download

Derek Winkler dwinkler at algorithmics.com
Tue Jun 20 17:18:42 IST 2006

> -------------------------
> Alias /pickup/ "/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/"
> <Directory "/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/">
>     Options Indexes MultiViews
>     AllowOverride None
>     Order allow,deny
>     Allow from all
> </Directory>
> --------------------------
> The only down side is you have to open up permissions to the quarantine 
> folders, and thus making ALL of the messages available to those that 
> know how to peruse the folders.  Fortunately, the message id is quite 
> long and random, and makes it harder to dig around unless you know 
> exactly what it is.

You should really change this to -Indexes since this allows for directory
indexing. It doesn't matter how messed up the URL is if you allow directory

When you go to http://www.whatever.tld/pickups/ doesn't it give you a
directory listing? and the same for all sub-directories?

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