Problem with CSV Files

Greg Matthews gmatt at
Thu Jul 27 16:18:37 IST 2006

Phillip Udel wrote:
> I had something interesting reported to me today.  I looked in the Archives
> but could not find a reference to the problem.  When we email a CSV
> attachment the file is altered, the CRLF Hex(0d0a) is converted into just a
> LF Hex (0a) .  I can up the file up in Excel but when we try and import it
> into the outlook contact list we get an error that whines about it not being
> a CSV.  Has anyone seen this before.  I upgraded a lot at once on the mail
> server so not sure if it MS, SA, or a Perl Mod.

are you using the signature facility? There is a bug in Perl which 
appears to be triggered by adding a signature. This was mentioned months 
ago but no-one seems able to fix it (looks like a hard/deep problem).


> RH 8.0
> MS 4.54.6-1
> SA 3.1.3
> MailWatch 1.0.3
> Sendmail 8.12
> Phillip Udel
> Senior Systems Administrator
> Admin at
> (800) 877-2536 Ext 212
> Rules To Live By:
> 1) On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.
> 2) There are absolutely no absolutes.
> 3) Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity 
> 4) Information is not Knowledge, Knowledge is not Wisdom, and Wisdom is not
> Truth

Greg Matthews           01491 692445
Head of UNIX/Linux, iTSS Wallingford

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