Request for separate report file for file size limits

Jim Holland mailscanner at
Wed Jul 26 16:35:49 IST 2006

Hi Julian

I make extensive use of the attachmentsize.rules file for users with poor
connectivity or who are using cellphones with only 9600 bps capability.  
Currently when files exceed the specified limits the message is delivered
after removal of the attachment(s) along with the following report file:


which by default says:

	The original e-mail attachment "$filename"
	was believed to be infected by a virus and has been replaced by this 
	warning message.

	If you wish to receive a copy of the *infected* attachment . . .

The subject line of the delivered message has the words:

	{Dangerous Content?}


The above wording is rather alarming and inappropriate for a message that 
has an over-large attachment, even if it does go on to say:

	At Wed Jul 26 09:07:26 2006 the virus scanner said:
	   MailScanner: Attachment is too large

I have always edited the report wording to:

	The original e-mail attachment: "$filename"
	was believed to be infected by a virus OR to violate the file size limits
	for the recipient and has been replaced by this warning message.

	If you wish to receive a copy of the *infected* or oversize attachment . . .

However the above wording is still not ideal for two totally different 
types of problems.

I would like to request a separate report file for oversize attachments to
replace the above, as well as a change in the wording added to the subject
line of delivered messages to say: {Oversize attachment}.

In addition, it would be extremely helpful if the report also included 
details of the size(s) of the attachment(s) that had been quarantined.


Jim Holland
System Administrator
MANGO - Zimbabwe's non-profit e-mail service

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