MailScanner, sendmail & SpamAssassian

Scott Silva ssilva at
Tue Jul 25 16:33:56 IST 2006

Golden, James spake the following on 7/25/2006 8:22 AM:
> It looks like it was installed by the rpm.  Which according to the
> documentation is not the recommended way.  I have 2 questions then:
> Can this be corrected so it doesn't use spamd, if so where can I start
> looking for a complete answer on how to do it?
> OR is the best way to uninstall the rpm, and to install using CPAN?
You have a few choices;
1) Remove RPM and install from CPAN and take your chances.

2) Remove RPM and use Julian's spamassassin and ClamAV install bundle, which
he updates regularly. This also gives you the benefit of the clam module for
clamav, it is quite a bit faster and seems to have less system load.

3) Use an alternate repo for the spamassassin, and turn off spamd manually if
the RPM enables it.


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