FOSS, Science, and Public activism

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Tue Jul 4 03:22:06 IST 2006

proclus at wrote:
> FOSS projects need to hear this message from time to time, IMHO.
Still, you have to acknowledge the message is arguably off topic. You 
could have observed better etiquette by labeling your post as "off 
topic", or apologizing. Insisting your point - however valid it may be - 
may be construed by some individuals as discourteous.

Another suggestion could be to make your post short (and label it OT for 
off topic). Maybe 3 lines. Something like:

Blablabla open source blabla FOSS blabla activism blable.

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I just hope I don't get flamed back for a simple difference of 
opinion... :-)

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