MailScanner + Spamassassin 3.13 autolearn not working !

Joni Bäcklund joni at
Mon Jul 3 05:50:21 IST 2006

the is a symbolic link to spam.assassin.pfres.conf

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 Jul  2 11:25 ->  


Quoting Alex Neuman van der Hans <alex at>:

> Have you looked at
> Joni Bäcklund wrote:
>> Hello Friends !
>> I have been running SA for years with mailscanner and some virus   
>> scanning software on our
>> mail linux fedora server. This server now runs FC5 and I found out   
>> some two weeks ago
>> that bayes database was somehow corrupted so I did go for
>> fresh mysql bayes database and learned some thousands of saved ham   
>> and spam messages.
>> Everything seems to be on order now and I see bayes hits on maillog
>> as usual.
>> The problems seems to be that SA never does autolearn even the spam  
>>  value is very high (
>> like 15 or so ). So the bayes data stays permanent if I do not
>> train some messages manually by sa-learn.
>> I have tested also the system so that I used the normal bayes DB on  
>>  /var/spool/spamassassin instead of mysql with same bayes data !   
>> Same behavior !
>> I never see on the maillog the autolearn=spam ham or disabled. No   
>> autolearn markings at all ! The Autolearn
>> module is loaded and everything else seems to be running ok. The   
>> same happens with
>> autowhitelist. No entries are made to auto-whitelist ! That seems   
>> strange. The autowhitelist file itself is at   
>> /var/spool/spamassassin but its allways same size and does not grow !
>> Im running spamassassin 3.1.3
>> perl-5.8.8
>> mailscanner-4.55.7-1
>> and here are some lines from spam.assassin.prefs.conf that   
>> mailscanner uses with SA.
>> #
>> # JKF 28/04/2003
>> # The following settings has been pretty much superceded by the "Advanced
>> # SpamAssassin Settings" in MailScanner.conf.
>> #
>> # JKF 26/03/2003
>> # If your root filesystem is filling up because SpamAssassin is putting
>> # large databases in /.spamassassin or /root/.spamassassin, you can move
>> # them using the following lines to point to their new locations.
>> # The last part of the path is not a directory name, but actually the
>> # start of the filenames. So with the settings below, the Bayes files will
>> # be created as /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes_msgcount, etc.
>> #
>> auto_whitelist_path        /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-whitelist
>> auto_whitelist_file_mode   0600
>> use_auto_whitelist      1
>> #bayes_path                 /var/spool/spamassassin/bayes
>> #bayes_file_mode            0600
>> bayes_store_module      Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL
>> bayes_sql_dsn           DBI:mysql:sa_bayes:localhost
>> bayes_sql_username      XXXX
>> bayes_sql_password      XXXXX
>> bayes_sql_override_username XXXX
>> # Most people don't use NFS-shared Bayes databases
>> # so this is added for SpamAssassin 3
>> lock_method flock
>> required_hits 4.5
>> bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 8.0
>> bayes_auto_learn 1
>> score  BAYES_99          0 0 4.070 3.601
>> # Most people don't use NFS-shared Bayes databases
>> # so this is added for SpamAssassin 3
>> lock_method flock
>> The spamassassin -D --lint works without any problems and all   
>> required modules are loaded !
>> Are there some undocumented changes in autolearn behavior with mailscanner ?
>> here is sa-learn --dump magic output
>> 0.000          0          3          0  non-token data: bayes db version
>> 0.000          0       5486          0  non-token data: nspam
>> 0.000          0       7142          0  non-token data: nham
>> 0.000          0     187972          0  non-token data: ntokens
>> 0.000          0 1036499585          0  non-token data: oldest atime
>> 0.000          0 1151841259          0  non-token data: newest atime
>> 0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last   
>> journal sync atime
>> 0.000          0 1151833489          0  non-token data: last expiry atime
>> 0.000          0   22118400          0  non-token data: last expire  
>>  atime delta
>> 0.000          0      16694          0  non-token data: last expire  
>>  reduction count
>> So I just do not understand what is going wrong there as the SA   
>> with mailscanner system
>> has been workin for years and autolearn etc. has been working
>> nicely too !
>> Joni
>> -- 
>> Joni Bäcklund, Tel +358400665775, FAX +35898042007
>>     Email: joni at, oh2njr at
>>  Amateur packet radio AX25: oh2njr at
>> Some kind of Homepage:
>> " The Choice of a GNU generation:  SuSE Linux 10.1 "
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Joni Bäcklund, Tel +358400665775, FAX +35898042007
      Email: joni at, oh2njr at
   Amateur packet radio AX25: oh2njr at
  Some kind of Homepage:
" The Choice of a GNU generation:  SuSE Linux 10.1 "

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