Panda Wrapper reporting zero

Victor DiMichina victor at
Tue Jan 31 18:48:41 GMT 2006

I've been wrestling with the Panda Wrapper for some time now.    It's 
*probably* working,  but with no reporting.    The only way I can see it 
working is when I run it manually on an Eicar virus, I have the -ren 
option selected so that it actually renames the  to    It still returns a Virus=0  status.   I get no updates 
from MailScanner the way I do for the f-secure wrapper. 
Does anyone have success in getting Panda's wrapper to report a virus 
when found?    Even though it's probably working,  it's not a very 
secure feeling just trusting a piece of code to do its job with no 
MailScanner Version  4.47.4


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