razor2,pyzer and DCC

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 12:58:59 GMT 2006

On 27/02/06, Jonas Lilja <jonas.lilja at exallon.sigma.se> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if someone of you can advice me about the Razor, Pyzer and DCC options in the Spamassassin-Clamav-packet I have just installed.
> 1. Is it difficult to configure these modules? (RPM?)
No and no. Use the source, and it's pretty straightforward.

> 2. Does these packets catch much spam not detected by Spamassassin?
Yes, they help better your precision. Not a "fix-all-cure" but then,
nothing really is;-).
They calculate a "fuzzy" digest of each message and check if they are
in the "known bad" category... And if found, SA will use them to add a
nice point value or so. If more than one match, DIGEST_MULTIPLE come
into play too.

> 3. Is these packets documented in the MailScanner book?
My copy of the book is to old to judge from... I'd image not more than
in passing though.
Read the wiki (both the documentation section and the maq)... You'll
find both useful info and links there.

> 4. Is it a common recommendation to use these add-on´s?

> 5. What´s the difference between them (razor,pyzer,dcc)?
Policy for how a digest end up in the database, and implementation
details. If you really want to know, go read the wiki (and their
respective sites).

> I administer a corporate with 200 empoyees and we have a lot of incoming spam.
Good, that means you'll be able to use all three without infringing
any licenses.

BTW, this is the place to start looking for info: http://wiki.mailscanner.info/

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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