[OT] sendmail priority

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at nkpanama.com
Mon Feb 13 12:57:58 GMT 2006

Sendmail skips the RBLs for AUTHd users, at least on the default configs 
from CentOS. I think it has to do with a "delay_checks" setting. Check 
sendmail.org's info on AUTH.

TAC Forums wrote:
> The subject is slightly off topic, its Sendmail.
> We have a sendmail server, which we would like to configure with Real
> time blackhole lists, to reject as much SPAM as possible. Also we have
> SMTP Authentication enabled on the same server.
> If, a genuine user is on a blacklisted IP address and he uses our SMTP
> server, will his mail be rejected?
> What gets higher priority, during an incoming SMTP connection, SMTP
> authentication or Real time blackhole listing?
> Regards,
> Boskey
> --
> TAC Support Team


Alex Neuman van der Hans
N&K Technology Consultants
Tel. +507 214-9002 - http://nkpanama.com/

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