Using MailScanner With SpamAssassin & Pyzor

Pete Russell pete at
Sat Dec 30 23:13:09 CET 2006

The ruledujour wont run while there is an error in your sa config. In 
your sa prefs file find that line and either correct it or comment it the ruledujour again.

Vernon Webb wrote:
> I am using MailSacnner with SpamAssassian, pyzor, dcc, clamav, and a few other plugins 
> for SA. I am trying to install rules_du_jour but am getting errors. On the lint test 
> for SA I get the following errors which I am some how getting the feeling is in some 
> way realted to MailScanner:
> [6960] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: pyzor_add_header 1
> [6960] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with debug enabled for more 
> information
> Anyone have any ideas?

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