Disabling DCC, Pyzor on the cf file

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Dec 5 22:11:36 GMT 2006

René Berber spake the following on 12/5/2006 1:42 PM:
> Hi,
> Using MS 4.57.6 I'm trying to disable the above plugins.
> Following the instructions in spam.assassin.prefs.conf (a.k.a. mailscanner.cf),
>> # Uncomment the lines below to stop using the specific service
>> # To stop Razor2 checks, uncomment the following line
>> #use_razor2     0
>> # To stop DCC checks, uncomment the following line
>> #use_dcc                0
>> # To stop Pyzor checks, uncomment the following line
>> #use_pyzor      0
> does not work, spamassassin --lint complains with:
>> [28764] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: use_razor2 0
>> [28764] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: use_dcc 0
>> [28764] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: use_pyzor 0
> Is there any other way to avoid loading those plugins?  (using is not really the
> problem since I don't have the executables installed, just the SA plugin).
Look in the .pre config files (init.pre and others if you have them) for the
loadplugin lines for those services and comment them out.


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