problem with recive mail from gmx

DAve dave.list at
Thu Aug 31 13:39:34 IST 2006

Glenn Steen wrote:
> On 31/08/06, Dörfler Andreas <Andreas.Doerfler at> wrote:
>> > DAve
>> > I get those at least a few times a day. I ignore them, no complaints
>> > from clients so far ;^) My Network admin suggested it was MTU size. I
>> > did find this explanation. No idea if it will cause your server to
>> > crash, stock prices to fall, or increase global warming.
>> > Investigate and
>> > make you own decision.
>> >
>> >
>> well, ive tried it (no risk no fun ^^) but it only raised the problem
>> with other mailers
> Yes, kind of makes sense. If the icmp fragmentation get lost somewhere
> (by someone "overzealosly" denying _all_ icmp packets), and this is
> all you see of it (this only one sender), it is very likely that the
> "denying" is done close to them.... not you. In which case it is a
> problem you simply cannot solve (without interraction with ... them).
> One could say "they get what they deserve":-).
>> > -- Glenn
>> > Not with them, and not anyone else... for the time being. "Educating"
>> > the other parties postmaster is the only way I know, and that only
>> > works some times (when they want to be ... "clued in":-).
>> > Other than that, I say it's their problem:-).
>> jea, but my users make it to my problem :/
>> howto say em "forget that crap freemailer, take another one" ...
> Ah yes. In my semi-corporate .gov environment, these things can
> usually be handled (if it is a "relevant contact", at least)... and
> the rest be damned:-):-). I appreciate that you might have a somewhat
> different situation, but it is rather likely that there is nothing you
> _can_ do:-(.
> Then again, I might be wrong:-)

Just out of curiosity, do you run any Milters? I don't recall having 
this issue prior to running Milter-greylist and Milter-ahead. Possibly 
the problem is the Milter in front of sendmail?


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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