Postfix 2.3 and MailScanner

Holger Gebhard holger at
Sun Aug 20 02:05:31 IST 2006

Hi Julian,
Hi Group,

i run mailscanner with postfix (split queues) for many years with no 
Currently running mailscanner version 4.52.2.

The last week i upgraded postfix from 2.2 to 2.3.
After the upgrade i can see some strange warnings from postfix in my 
mail-logs: "ignoring out-of-order DSN original recipient..."

I searched some group and found this threat:

The strange is that only some messages are affected by this failure not all.

I tried both postfix implementations (single postfix with hold queue and 
split queues with two postfix instances) with no success. The warning is 
still there with some messages.

Fortunately the affected messages are still being delivered.
But where come this failure from?


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