OT - Multiple Virus Scanners

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Aug 15 16:58:54 IST 2006

I'Glenn Steen spake the following on 8/15/2006 6:45 AM:
> On 15/08/06, Drew Marshall <drew at themarshalls.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Tue, August 15, 2006 13:39, Glenn Steen wrote:
>> > If you run linux (or freebsd) there are at least BitDefender Command
>> > line. Sure, it's not as light as ClamAV, but not that bad either (all
>> > depends, of course:). And the price is right (free).
>> I am not sure it is any more. On my to-do list (A fair way down :-( ) is
>> to e-mail and formally ask them but looking at their curent site, I would
>> suggest the BitDefender licence would appear to have changed...
>> http://www.bitdefender.com/PRODUCT-80-en--BitDefender-Antivirus-Scanner-for-Unices.html
>> (Check the bottom paragraph)
>> Drew
> How very annoying. IIRC I checked before sometime around April - May,
> and could still find/download the free version. Oh well, guess I'll
> have to keep my copy close then:-).
> Note that the "(previously) free version" is not the same as the one
> you cite above, so what they seem to have done is to have removed the
> "pure commandline version" (where freebsd was a beta level release)
> and added this "new" package with full support for freebsd (that is,
> provided I do remember correctly... they seem to have removed
> everything from their ftp server too. Sigh).
> Hm. Means I'll have to do something about that wiki-page, now doesn't it?-)
I'm glad I downloaded it all a few months ago!  ;-)
Now to back it up to as many places as I can!

I just sent an e-mail to get some idea of when it might stop working...
We'll see if I get a response.


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