agains mailscanner

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Sat Aug 12 20:54:41 IST 2006

Julian Field wrote:
> People have done things with MailScanner that I never dreamt of either, 
> such as using it to filter web traffic, and using it to filter illicit 
> images from mobile phone MMS text/picture messages on huge international 
> mobile phone networks. I think that's fantastic and huge credit is due 
> to them for create novel solutions to problems of their own!
How does one go about filtering web traffic with MailScanner?
> On the subject of illicit image detection, particularly on mobile phone 
> networks, I hope to contact one or two of you in the next day or two to 
> see if you would be interested in joining development of this facility.
I'd like to help in any way I can...
> And yes, MailScanner is used to filter MMS messages sent between phones 
> on one of the largest multi-national mobile phone networks on the planet.
I'm not surprised.

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