agains mailscanner

Scott Silva ssilva at
Sat Aug 12 00:14:37 IST 2006

Octavio spake the following on 8/11/2006 2:45 PM:
> Hi, as many of you Im on the postfix list too, I
> notice that most of the user of this list prefer
> amavis-new and recently I see that some of them dont
> recoment MailScanner with postfix because it has
> several fails like lost and damage messages?
> I use MailScanner in several severs without these kind
> of problems. do you have any idea why some people
> think so?
> Octavio
> __________________________________________________
> Correo Yahoo!
> Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! 
> Regístrate ya - 
Because that is the "party line" from the author of Postfix. He and Julian
have been at odds for a long time as to how MailScanner works, and how it is
against the way that Weitse wants programs to interact with postfix. Many
people have resolved the early conflicts, but the story over at
hasn't changed much.


MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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