quarantine attachments & Dangerous content

Rick Chadderdon mailscanner at yeticomputers.com
Thu Aug 10 20:13:54 IST 2006

James D. Parra wrote:
>> In my past installs of mailscanner, attachments considered 'suspect' for
> any
>> various reason were put into quarantine for later retrieval. In the most
>> recent install I made, these items are instead being deleted from the
> e-mail
>> message with a note in the e-mail stating that attachment was removed. For
>> example;
>> The content filters found this:
>>    MailScanner: Message contained password-protected archive
>> Where in the MailScanner.conf can I specify to have suspect attachments
>> stored or quarantined and *not* deleted. If it is not in the
>> mailscanner.conf file is the setting in another config file? 
> Hello Rick,
> Thank you for your response. I made the following changes. I'll post the
> results when the suspect mail is resent.
>> Quarantine Infections = yes
> Already set.
>> Quarantine Silent Viruses = no
> Also preset.
>> Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame All-Viruses
> Changed this by removing All-Viruses & Zip-Password, but left all the HTML
> info.
> Thank you,
> ~James

If I understand what you're trying to do, a better combination would be:

Quarantine Infections = yes
Quarantine Silent Viruses =yes
Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame All-Viruses

My first post was just a cut/paste out of my own MailScanner.conf.  I 
don't want password-protected zips quarantined.  If you do, the above 
should do it for you.  The changes you made will cause MailScanner to 
generate a lot of bogus virus warnings, and that's not something you 
want to do.  At least it's not something I want you to do - not while 
following my advice.  :)

Don't forget that you can also use "Allow Password-Protected Archives = 
yes" if you just want to pass the things through.  That has its own set 
of risks, though.  Read through the comments for these options in the 
MailScanner.conf file - they're quite good, I think.


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