ALLOW FILETYPES in MailScanner.conf

Kevin Miller Kevin_Miller at
Wed Aug 9 18:52:30 IST 2006

I updated my MS to take advantage of the new Allow Filenames & Allow
Filetypes functions and notice that the comments documenting filetypes
seems to be a copy and paste of Allow Filenames with minor editing.  I'm
a bit confused by one thing; in the example it shows this for filetypes:

  # Allow Filetypes = \.txt$ \.pdf$
  # Deny  Filetypes = \.com$ \.exe$ \.cpl$ \.pif$

Shouldn't that rather be:

  # Allow Filetypes = text postscript

and the like?

Looking in the filetype.rules.conf I don't see any extensions - just
things like text, postscript, MPEG, etc.

Am I out to lunch?

What I'm doing is setting up a particular user to be able to send my
users .mp3 files, so I have the following files set up:

  From:   joe.blow at  \.mp3$

  From:   joe.blow at  MPEG

Is that correct, or do I really need \.mp3$ in both the filename and
filetype rule files?


Kevin Miller                Registered Linux User No: 307357
CBJ MIS Dept.               Network Systems Admin., Mail Admin.
155 South Seward Street     ph: (907) 586-0242
Juneau, Alaska 99801        fax: (907 586-4500

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