
Augustin Siaens augustin.siaens at aquadev.org
Wed Aug 9 08:36:10 IST 2006

Julian Field a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> Unfortunately 0.17 isn't great either. On some systems, it hangs  
> during the "make test" stage of building and installing it.
> What I have done is produce a new 4.55.10-3 release of MailScanner  
> that uses Sys-Syslog-0.17 but skips the "make test" so that it will  
> always install successfully. I have never seen that version actually  
> fail a test (other than the one that hangs) so it should all be okay.
> The code which is being tested by the test that hangs is never used  
> in real life anyway.
> On 8 Aug 2006, at 11:43, Filippo Dini wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> You have downgraded sys-syslog package (from 0.17 to 0.16) in your  
>> MailScanner_4.55.10-
>> 2 but MailScanned don't log anything now.
>> I have removed the sys-syslog 0.16 rpm and installed the 0.17 one  
>> to get all works
>> again.
>> I have fedora core 4 installed.
>> Best wishes
>> Phil
> - -- 
> Julian Field
> MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
> Version: PGP SDK 3.7.0
> Charset: US-ASCII
> B01xScMUtZ4e9xt5AWqXvec=
> =axFx
What is strange, is that when I was testing MailScanner, it said that 
there was a problem with Spamassassin so I turned the Spamassassin 
option and the Spam filtering option off in MailScanner.conf but the 
problem persisted.

Was Sys::Syslog affecting SA or MailScanner or both?

Ce message a été vérifié par MailScanner
pour des virus ou des polluriels et rien de
suspect n'a été trouvé.

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