blocking out-of-office

Koopmann, Jan-Peter Jan-Peter.Koopmann at
Mon Aug 7 13:49:11 IST 2006

On Friday, August 04, 2006 4:57 PM Rick Chadderdon wrote:

> I wasn't referring to situations where the region's prevailing law
> compels behavior, or where policy allows such use.  I incorrectly
> assumed that this was obvious in my post.  For that, I apologize.  To
> clarify:  If law allows one to set policy whereby personal email can
> be disallowed, and such policy is set, I don't believe that those who
> violate such policies should be tolerated or 'respected'.    

My BOFH part of the body agrees. My "try to get along with the people" part does not. :-) I know where your are getting at though. *g*

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