Sendmail question

Dan Carl danc at
Fri Aug 4 22:58:12 IST 2006

I got it work vi mutt but not using PHP
yahoo marks it as bulk because the Return-Path: nobody at
if I use the -f  I can change the Return-Path:
but then yahoo marks it as bulk because of this:
X-Authentication-Warning nobody set sender to me at
using -f
Sorry about the off-topic post time to search google.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ugo Bellavance" <ugob at>
To: <mailscanner at>
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: Sendmail question

> Kevin Miller wrote:
> > Dan Carl wrote:
> >> Anyone willing to answer a sendmail question?
> >> Or atleast point me in the right direction. (I don't have news)
> >> I can send mail fine thru my sendmail/Mailerscanner server with
> >> windows clients but when I send it thru from my other linux server
> >> Yahoo marks it as BULK(spam).
> >> Thanks
> >> Dan
> >
> > So Yahoo bounces spam?  I'd have thought they were more on the ball than
> > that.  Not much to go on here - what error's being returned?  It might
> > be instructive to see a post from one of your linux boxes.  I noted that
> > this one came from Outlook Express.
> He said that Yahoo marks it, not bounces it.
> >
> > Are you using SPF?  If so, do you have all your servers listed?
> >
> > Do your linux servers send directly or do they use
> >
> -> good points...
> >
> > ...Kevin
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