ClamAV on FreeBSD - ports or Perl module?

TCIS List Acct listacct at
Fri Aug 4 22:57:51 IST 2006

René Berber wrote:

> Do you have more than one perl version installed?

Nope.  Fresh FreeBSD 6.1 install..

> Clearly?  Use cpan, inside the shell use "i Mail::ClamAV" that will tell you if
> it really is installed.
> If you have more than one version of perl, then make sure the module was
> installed to the same perl used by MailScanner.

Module id = Mail::ClamAV
     CPAN_USERID  SABECK (Scott Beck <scott at>)
     CPAN_VERSION 0.17
     CPAN_FILE    S/SA/SABECK/Mail-ClamAV-0.17.tar.gz
     UPLOAD_DATE  2005-03-08
     DSLIP_STATUS       (,,,,)
     MANPAGE      Mail::ClamAV - Perl extension for the clamav virus scanner
     INST_FILE    /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/mach/Mail/
     INST_VERSION 0.17


Mike Bacher / listacct at
TCIS - TulsaConnect Internet Services

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