SA rules_du_jour lint bug: FOUND

Jeff A. Earickson jaearick at
Thu Aug 3 18:54:03 IST 2006


Doh!!  Thanks for pointing this out, I had always thought that
bayes_path was a directory name, not some strange combo of
directory + file prepend.  I fixed my spam.assassin.prefs.conf,
reverted to the original SA, everything works with
Rules_du_jour again.


Could you please modify the spam.assassin.prefs.conf to include
the following useful comments (diff -c format)?

*** 83,89 ****
--- 83,96 ----
   # FSL Note: we need to coordinate the Bayes File Placement
   # With MailWatch

+ # bayes_path should NOT be directory!
+ # The Rules_du_jour script will choke if it is a directory.
+ # It needs to be a full pathname, PLUS a partial filename.
+ # In this example, the trailing "bayes" will be the "bayes*" 
+ # files in the directory "/etc/MailScanner/bayes/"
+ # Thanks to Matt Kettler for pointing this out.
   #bayes_path /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes
   # This is actually used as a mask, not a raw chmod setting.
   # Thanks for Matt Kettler for spotting this one.
   # Commented out: this if for MailWatch and Exim/Postfix users only.

Jeff Earickson
Colby College

On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Matt Kettler wrote:

> Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 12:57:10 -0400
> From: Matt Kettler <mkettler at>
> Reply-To: MailScanner discussion <mailscanner at>
> To: MailScanner discussion <mailscanner at>
> Subject: Re: SA rules_du_jour lint bug: FOUND
> Jeff A. Earickson wrote:
>> Gang,
>> I upgraded to SA 3.1.4 last night, and continued to be plagued by
>> lint failures in the rules_du_jour script, like so:
>> /opt/perl5/bin/spamassassin -p
>> /opt/MailScanner/etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf --lint
>> [27791] warn: config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line,
>> "/var/spool/spamassassin" is not valid for "bayes_path", skipping:
>> bayes_path /var/spool/spamassassin
>> I had this problem in earlier versions of SA, but had worked around
> <snip>
>> I know this isn't quite right, since the test should be "if NOT a
>> directory, return INVALID_VALUE".  But the code:
> NO! It should be IF a directory, return invalid. It is NOT valid to specify a
> directory as a bayes path, because bayes_path is not just a path. It's a path
> plus partial filename!
> -- 
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