Sendmail configuration for gateway

Tue Sep 27 22:22:15 IST 2005

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Eric Sandquist wrote:
> I've got MailScanner/SpamAssassin/Sendmail set up to act as a gateway
> to out Exchange server.  I setup the tables as instructed in Wiki. 
> However, Sendmail keeps rejecting all the incoming email stating that
> the user doesn't exist.  Well, of course they don't exist on
> filter/gateway machine.  They only exist in the Exchange environment.
> How do I get Sendmail to just accept incoming mail for all or against
> a frequently updated list of Exchange users?      
> Eric
> When a person studies Bible and Mishnah . . . but is dishonest in
> business, and does not speak gently with people, what do people say
> of him? 'Woe unto him who studies Torah. . . . This man studied
> Torah; look how corrupt are his deeds, how ugly his ways.'" --
> Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 86a   
> I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.
> It has removed 52399 spam emails to date.
> Paying users do not have this message in their emails.
> Try SPAMfighter for free now!
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I'm doing the same thing... look at mailertable and virtusertable in the
sendmail docs. If you have any trouble post back and I can elaborate. This
may be better on the Sendmail list anyway... ;)

Good luck,

Ken Goods
Network Administrator
AIA/CropUSA Insurance, Inc.

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