Poll: New logo -- concepts

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Oct 24 17:23:22 IST 2005

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What would anyone think of the old logo with the new text font?

I agree with someone's thought that the text looks like an old 
typewriter. But maybe age ==> stability ==> reliability? (==> is "implies")

The MailScanner logo has to say "reliable and trustworthy" as well as 
"safe and speedy" which is what the shield device implies at the moment. 
Is "new and zippy" compatible with "reliable and trustworthy"? Is "new" 
even a concept we should consider at all? "Old" ==> "staid and solid and 

It's all about working out what graphics imply what concepts, and what 
concept we want to associate with MailScanner, and more importantly what 
concepts we do *not* want to associate with it.

I have no training in marketing, but I think this is the basic idea.

Joost Waversveld wrote:

> I don't think it is wise to have two logo's... It can cause confusion....
> I would keep it by the old one... Just my 2 cents...
>> How about a compromise?
>> Keep the existing logo. Use the new logo for some new things and let 
>> people
>> choose to use whichever logo they are happy with?
>> Or did I miss something?
>> It's not like Spam Assassin that had a hideous logo until the 
>> redesign last
>> year
>> Just my 2 cents
>> M
>> Mr Michele Neylon
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- -- 
Julian Field
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