ending the spam.assassin.prefs.conf madness.
Anthony Peacock
a.peacock at CHIME.UCL.AC.UK
Tue Nov 22 17:06:28 GMT 2005
Hi Rick,
> Look at the attached and see if it couldn't be easily incorporated
> into the existing SA.pm. It will allow you to use the MailScanner
> overrides from spam.assassin.prefs.conf, all the other normal site
> rules and you don't need any links, mailscanner won't interfere with
> normal command line stuff and I think/hope every one would be happy.
> I tested this by running the lint at the end, then moving a copy of
> /etc/mail/spamassassin to another directory and hard coding that
> directory as $siterules. ->lint came out no errors. Then I edited
> local.cf in the new directory (which SA would never look for) and
> created a bare word lint error and re-ran the code. It showed one lint
> error so the $test object was indeed ignoring the standard rules dir
> and using what was fed it through the $test =
> Mail::SpamAssassin->new({config_text => @lines}); line.
> Will this satisfy everyone? Of course if you are going to lint your SA
> install with MailScanner rules then you will have to point to the
> right rule file, or Julian could whip up a quick lint utility similar
> to the attached specifically for checking after modifying
> spam.assassin.prefs.conf, and/or lint at startup every time and output
> the errors as required.
> Heck you could probably add yet another config value to let the user
> decide if spam.assassin.prefs.conf should be in or out of the normal
> site rules path. :-)
While this is very slick and would work. I think it is more
complicated than is needed. I also think it has the disadvantage of
'hiding' what is going on under the bonnet.
With the link solution it would be very obvious to me what was going
on, whether I was checking out a problem from a SA perspective or a
MS perspective.
Anthony Peacock
CHIME, Royal Free & University College Medical School
WWW: http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/~rmhiajp/
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