[Fwd: FW: ASk mailscanner people]
Steen, Glenn
Glenn.Steen at AP1.SE
Sat May 28 16:11:12 IST 2005
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Oardon me, but isn't he asking how to read the config to determine whether it's set to run SA on that particular $message at all?
-- Glenn
-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list on behalf of Julian Field
Sent: lö 2005-05-28 16:38
Subject: Re: [Fwd: FW: ASk mailscanner people]
The top of Message.pm has a list of all the properties of a message.
For the spam flag, you are looking for $message->{isspam}.
Vasiliy Boulytchev wrote:
> What do you guys think?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: FW: ASk mailscanner people
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 15:05:50 -0600
> From: Vasiliy Boulytchev <VBoulytchev at coinfotech.com>
> To: <vasiliy at springsbikes.com>
> Vasiliy Boulytchev
> Colorado Information Technologies, Inc.
> http://www.coinfotech.com <http://www.coinfotech.com/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Eric Lindsey
> *Sent:* Friday, May 27, 2005 2:02 PM
> *To:* Vasiliy Boulytchev
> *Subject:* ASk mailscanner people
> Here is the question I want you to ask the mailscanner people:
> I am trying to write a perl script to go in CustomFunctions that logs
> various details about messages that run through MailScanner. I^Òm
> wondering what value of the message object I should use to find out
> whether or not a message has been scanned for spam? For example, I use
> the test: if ($message->{isspam}) to find out if the message is spam,
> etc. But, before I can test that I need to find out if it is even set
> to be scanned for spam.
> Thanks,
> Eric Lindsey
> Colorado Information Technologies Inc.
> http://www.coinfotech.com <http://www.coinfotech.com/>
>Vasiliy Boulytchev
>Colorado Information Technologies
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Julian Field
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