Virus mail slipped through under special

Drew Marshall drew at THEMARSHALLS.CO.UK
Tue Jul 12 20:17:17 IST 2005

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Raylund Lai wrote:

> I was also testing MailScanner in debug mode and feeding the virus 
> email manually (via telnet).  MailScanner let the virus mail through 
> and the console return MailScanner error:
> ----- begin MailScanner output -----
> mxgw# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
> Starting MailScanner...
> In Debugging mode, not forking...
> SA bayes lock is /root/.spamassassin/bayes.lock
> Bayes lock is at /root/.spamassassin/bayes.lock
> format error: can't find EOCD signature
> at /usr/local/libexec/MailScanner/MailScanner line 598
> Stopping now as you are debugging me.
> ----- end MailScanner output -----

Which AV scanner(s) are you using and have you checked the corresponding 
entries in /usr/local/etc/MailScanner/virus.scanners.conf?

> I tried to send the virus mail as attachment of eml file out to my 
> hotmail account, but my mail server virusscan quarantined it.  I also 
> tried to send it directly to the mail gateway and my hotmail did 
> receive it without problem.  That is MailScanner didn't intercept it 
> as virus mail.  The error message is the same as above.
> At least I've narrowed down the problem now.  Do you still want me to 
> send it to you (as attachment eml)?  Or Julian wants it too?

It's up to you (I suspect it's not going to prove much other than my 
system is working and your isn't, which isn't really helpful ;-) )

> btw, I've switched my gateway with a new box running latest FreeBSD 
> 5.4 and MailScanner 4.43.8.  I'm using the old box as testing now.

I assume you have installed them all from the ports tree?


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