Rules for filename checking

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA
Thu Jan 27 16:39:36 GMT 2005

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Howard Robinson wrote:

>Hello All,
>Looking through the archives it looks to me like the following in the
>filename.rules file will allow me to have a my standard
>filename.rule.conf as default but also allow usera to send email to
>userb using a different file, and slightly tweaked,
>filename.rule.exceptions. I block MP3 attachments to every one
>but one user gets voicemail email to her in mp3 format from a third
>So in MailScanner.conf I have
>Filename Rules = %etc-dir%/filename.rules
>In %etc-dir%/filename.rules
>I have
># Always. always end with a default rule
># on one line but wrapped in pegasus!
>From:   userA  and To: userB
># Everyone else uses this file
>FromOrTo: default  /%rules-dir%/filename.rules.conf
>I have tried From, To and FromOrTo and they worked as expected
>but its the 'anding' that I am unsure of.
>I am I right?
>Is it and or And?
>Oh and the actual lines are tabbed not spaced.
>(MailScanner Book is ordered by the way)


I prefer to put rules files in %rules-dir% and config files in %etc-dir% 
(the opposite of what you did) but your setup should work unless you 
really forgot the dash in %rulesdir% above.

The AND should work.


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x2252 F: 819.821.8045

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