Exim security/iptables query
Desai, Jason
jase at SENSIS.COM
Wed Jan 26 15:17:24 GMT 2005
If you use Mailwatch, you can run some simple queries to create a list of ip
addresses of virus senders, put them into a file, and have Exim reject these
at the MTA level with a nice message as to why they are being rejected. We
do something similar for both spam and virus senders.
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions wrote:
> Hi all
> We are using vispan on some of our sendmail servers, however its
> support for exim is pretty much non-existent, so I'm looking for a
> similar type of solution for exim
> Basically we want to be able to drop Ips into iptables if they send
> more than X viruses or spam in a given period.
> Over the last few days we have seen a very high number of infected
> machines hammering servers with junk, so dropping the connections
> from these machines would save us a lot of headaches
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance
> Michele
> Mr Michele Neylon
> Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd
> Hosting, co-location & domains
> http://www.blacknight.ie/
> Tel. +353 59 9137101
> http://www.blacknight.ie/specialoffers.html
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