Problem with Bayes DB lock files

Peter Bonivart peter at UCGBOOK.COM
Tue Jan 18 00:18:05 GMT 2005

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Chris Lyon wrote:
> I have been seeing the same thing. The FAQ really didn't help. I am
> running the same thing but with SA 3.0.2.
> Clear the lock files and the entire databases./etc/MailScanner/bayes &
> /root/.spamassassin.  It will run for about 10 minutes and everything
> will be good then mail will start to stack up. Once it stacks up I
> turn on debug and get this:

The FAQ entry was written by me since I at that time had problems
running Bayes for a long time, but we're talking weeks or months in my
case. Your Bayes seems broken from start, that's different.

Your first step is to run without Bayes to deliver some mail, if you got
all the SURBL lists working it shouldn't hurt you that much not having

If you stop the mail flow and type "spamassassin -D --lint", do you get
errors? If you clean your Bayes directory and test again, what do you
get then? What does "sa-learn --dump=magic" show? Do you have version 3?

You might have a Perl module problem here. I'm not familiar with the SA
code but maybe Matt Kettler on this list can help.

But disable Bayes until you have found the reason for this problem.

/Peter Bonivart

--Unix lovers do it in the Sun

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