SAVI-Perl & AMD Opteron processors.

Douglas Willis ddw at BAS.AC.UK
Tue Jan 11 14:56:26 GMT 2005

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Steve Swaney wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
>>Behalf Of Douglas Willis
>>Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 5:35 AM
>>Subject: SAVI-Perl & AMD Opteron processors.
>>Is anyone running this module on an Opteron system?
>>If so what OS an versions are you running?
>>Douglas Willis (ddw at
>Two Opteron systems:
>System 1:
>model name      : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 242
>stepping        : 8
>cpu MHz         : 1593.924
>cache size      : 1024 KB
>MemTotal:       2057732 kB
>OS:                 CentOS release 3.3 (final)
>Kernel:     2.4.21-20.0.1.ELsmp
># MailScanner -V
>Running on
>Linux 2.4.21-20.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Dec 3 01:31:00
>GMT 2004 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
>This is CentOS release 3.3 (final)
>This is Perl version 5.008000 (5.8.0)
>This is MailScanner version 4.37.7
>Module versions are:
>1.00    AnyDBM_File
>1.14    Archive::Zip
>1.01    Carp
>1.119   Convert::BinHex
>1.00    DirHandle
>1.04    Fcntl
>2.71    File::Basename
>2.05    File::Copy
>2.01    FileHandle
>1.05    File::Path
>0.13    File::Temp
>1.23    HTML::Entities
>3.26    HTML::Parser
>2.24    HTML::TokeParser
>1.20    IO
>1.09    IO::File
>1.122   IO::Pipe
>3.05    MIME::Base64
>5.415   MIME::Decoder
>5.415   MIME::Decoder::UU
>5.415   MIME::Head
>5.415   MIME::Parser
>3.03    MIME::QuotedPrint
>5.415   MIME::Tools
>0.09    Net::CIDR
>1.05    POSIX
>1.75    Socket
>0.03    Sys::Syslog
>1.02    Time::localtime
>Optional module versions are:
>1.806   DB_File
>1.10    Digest
>1.01    Digest::HMAC
>2.20    Digest::MD5
>2.10    Digest::SHA1
>0.44    Inline
>0.13    Mail::ClamAV
>3.000002        Mail::SpamAssassin
>missing Mail::SPF::Query
>missing Net::CIDR::Lite
>0.48    Net::DNS
>missing Net::LDAP
>1.94    Parse::RecDescent
>missing SAVI

What sort of mail volumes are you running through them?

I notice that neither is using SAVI.
Is this due to the code not compiling on the Opteron or just because you
use other Anti-Virus solutions?

Douglas Willis (ddw at
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road
Cambridge, CB3 0ET, United Kingdom
tel: +44 1223 221400, fax: +44 1223 362616

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