Stop Sendmail from bouncing unknown user?

Vlad Mazek vlad at MAZEK.COM
Wed Jan 5 17:32:02 GMT 2005

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With the milter the extra traffic would be negligible because it only
does a lookup, not the actual message transfer; Its still a bit of an
overkill and a waste of time to do these lookups if you already know who
you're protecting.

There are a lot more efficient ways than what you're doing.. google for
Vispan unless you can write your own custom rate limiting code and drop
them before they can cause actual damage. 72% (overall) of address book
attacks on us come from hosts with no reverse DNS entry while most spam
comes from open relay and proxy systems on major us/japan/german ISP's..


Brian Lewis wrote:

>Milter looks like a great solution!  Not sure about the additional smtp
>traffic though for the mail servers.
>Would be nice just to tell Sendmail not to generate a reply if
>undeliverable! hmmm....
>Currently I have created a new mailwatch php script that produces a list
>for the day of the top 150 servers that spam us, we take that report each
>day and I put it in Excel as a huge long list, show the ip and the # of
>spam message sent as well as the date the spam was sent, when I sort by
>the IP column after 5 days it becomes really clear who the 'repeat'
>spammers are!  So far I blacklist 211 spam servers or spam networks that
>repeatedly hammer our systems with spam using /etc/mail/access and it
>gives them a 5.1.1:550 User Unknown error back :)  Hopefully they clean
>their 'lists' up when they think the user doesn't exist anymore.  It does
>stop probably 20,000 spam a day from ever reaching us in the first place
>which helps a bit.
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