Bit Defender

Dhawal Doshy dhawal at NETMAGICSOLUTIONS.COM
Fri Feb 11 13:42:58 GMT 2005

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Pete Russell wrote:
> Hi there, was thinking about installing bit defender seeing as the
> license permits me to use it for free.
> Can anyone comment on whether this is worth using at all?
> Because i searched the arcvhives and found some posts from JF and he was
> saying it wasnt really that great, but these are 2 year old posts -
> anyone know if its improved since then? is it better than etrust/ca ? or
> is it a waste of time?
> Pete

A reply I received today from the bitdefender team..
The bdc scanner is free to use. If you want to protect your emails
against spam and viruses, you have to buy BitDefender for mailserver.
But you can try it before buying the product by downloading it from:

For buying, please visit:

My Question was:
 > This URL for BitDefender Linux Edition says that its a freeware
 > product, is this also the case for commercial usage?
 > I am planning to use it with a third party scanner like amavis /
 > qmail-scanner, please let me know if this is fine OR if I need to
 > procure a license and if so then what is the cost for the same.

Confused I am!! should I continue using it OR buy a license.

Technically I am happily willing to dump uvscan and replace it
bitdefender as long as clam is also present. Clam incidently is our
primary choice due to the efficient use of resources compared to uvscan
& bitdefender. The hits (read viruses caught) for clam being higher than
both uvscan and bitdefender (partly due to clam's phishing detection).

I suggest you clarify with support at for licensing before
you start using it. In any case I would recommend using clam.

- dhawal

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