Troubleshooting slow processing

Julian Field MailScanner at
Tue Dec 13 17:21:55 GMT 2005

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Your most likely culprit is DCC or Razor. Try disabling them  both in 
use_dcc 0
use_razor2 0
and then restart MailScanner and see if that helps.

Also, the newest beta release of MailScanner will let you know what is 
going on through its listing in "ps", so "ps ax | grep MailScanner" will 
tell you what all your MailScanner processes are doing.

Max Kipness wrote:

>As of yesterday, processing through MailScanner has slowed to a crawl.
>Nothing to my knowledge has changed on the MailScanner server in any way.
>Basically it appears like MailScanner is processing fine, but then not
>handing off the messages to Sendmail. There are hundreds of messages in
>the Sendmail inbound queue ( sits at about 700 - 800 messages,
>then the MailScanner will fill to 90 and sit there for the longest time,
>then it will fill to about 120 and dump some messages to the sendmail
>outbound queue (mqueue). Other than that the Sendmail outbound queue just
>sits at zero for long periods.
>I created a realtime app that tracks the message queue, and here is a
>snapshot of what it basically has looked liked for hours:
>Mail Queues (In order Processed)
>Sendmail Inbound Queue          731
>MailScanner Inbound Queue:      90
>Sendmail Outbound Queue:        0
>CPU Load: 74
>3 Second interval
>Hit CTRL-C to drop to shell...
>Any ideas of what the problem might be, or how to troubleshoot? Why aren't
>the 90 mails just being dumped into mqueue? Based on the message log
>they've been scanned.
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Julian Field
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MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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