Possible bug with spam permissions

Martin Hepworth martinh at SOLID-STATE-LOGIC.COM
Wed Aug 24 17:54:33 IST 2005

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Jan-Peter Koopmann wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:19 AM Julian Field wrote:
>>The quarantine for viruses and for spam both access the same
>>variables as far as I can see, but obviously they aren't. Can any of
>>you guys spot the difference? - -- 
> Took some time but I found it. The problem is the assigning of extra group memberships. Not sure if this is a perl or FreeBSD bug/feature. Obviouls the second parameter in an 
> $) =
> assignment is ignored on our systems. Once we patched MailScanner everything started to work:
> --- /tmp/MailScanner.orig       Wed Aug 24 18:39:46 2005
> +++ MailScanner Wed Aug 24 18:43:19 2005
> @@ -902,7 +902,7 @@
>      # assign in parallel to avoid tripping taint mode on
>      ($(, $)) = ($gid, $gid);
>      $( == $gid && $) == $gid or die "Can't set GID $gid";
> -    $) = "$gid $qgid $igid"; # Set the extra group memberships we need
> +    $) = "$gid $gid $qgid $igid"; # Set the extra group memberships we need
>    } else {
>      $) = $(;
>    }
> Question remains: Is this a FreeBSD or a perl problem. And do you patch MailScanner or shall I patch it in the FreeBSD port?
> Regards,
>   JP


I'd suggest Jules should test on Linux etc and then patch - he hates 
people mucking with his code ;-)

Also there's FreeBSd users like myself who use the tar.gz installer 
rather the the lovely port you provide...
Martin Hepworth
Senior Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic Ltd
tel: +44 (0)1865 842300


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