Attn Julian - broken bayes_file_mode defaults in spam.assassin.prefs.conf

Matt Kettler mkettler at EVI-INC.COM
Thu Aug 4 00:07:38 IST 2005

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Julian, I noticed recently that your spam.assassin.prefs.conf sets

bayes_file_mode	0660

That's broken. You need 0770 as sometimes the mode is used in creating temp
directories. (This is also why SA defaults to 0700, so check for yourself)

The normal files won't end up with execute bits from this, as the above mode is
really a mask. SA will mask maximum sensible permissions, 0666 for file or 777
for directory, against the bayes_file mode. Thus, for bayes_toks SA will mask
666 against 770 and end up with 660.

Can you fix that? Or has it already been fixed in a newer version than I'm running?

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