Quarantine queue format

Fred. Oger oger at SGSI.UCL.AC.BE
Wed Apr 27 07:02:07 IST 2005

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Wayne a écrit :

>On 26/04/2005 09:45, "Fred. Oger" <oger at SGSI.UCL.AC.BE> wrote:
>>My problem is the file stored in the quarantine folder aren't in the
>>format described in the doc.
>># ls -l /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20050426/F29183F8.76E8F
>>-rw-------  1 postfix postfix 14768 Apr 26 05:20 F29183F8
>>-rw-------  1 postfix postfix 11930 Apr 26 05:20 msg-10453-17.html
>>So how can I resend this mail to the user ?
>Chmod +x /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20050426/F29183F8.76E8F/F29183F8
>Cp /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20050426/F29183F8.76E8F/F29183F8
>The file F29183F8 should contain the entire message since you set it to
>store a single file so you just need to copy that to the correct directory
>with the correct permissions.
>Also note the 'incoming/F' the 'F' comes from the first character of the
>message id.
>So if your message id started with '4' you copy it to 'incoming/4'.
>Hope this helps...
> Wayne
Hi Wayne,

I tried the method you described but hopelessly the mail stays 
indefinitely in the incoming queue.
I also found it coud be resent using postdrop < queuefile. In this case 
I get the following error :
#  postdrop < 

queue_id3E83246Cpostdrop: fatal: uid=0: unexpected record type: 67

Any idea ?



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