
Julian Field MailScanner at
Mon Apr 4 18:48:07 IST 2005

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Steve Freegard wrote:

>Hi Jules,
>On Mon, 2005-04-04 at 08:59 +0100, Julian Field wrote:
>>What are you doing here? You are a rare sight on this list!
>>Good to see you.
>I'm always lurking ;-))  Plus, I always get a warm welcome!
>>Create an empty file for it to fill, then provide the full path of that
>>file in Archive Mail (not just the directory it is in).
>If I wanted to create one file per message (by message id) in dated sub-
>folders (like the quarantine) - is there any reason I couldn't set this
>as a custom function that creates the file/folder in the archive
>directory and returns the path/filename??
No reason at all, should work just fine.

Julian Field
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