RPM-based install package for ClamAV and SpamAssassin 3

Remco Barendse mailscanner at BARENDSE.TO
Mon Sep 6 17:35:41 IST 2004

On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Julian Field wrote:

> At 15:49 06/09/2004, you wrote:
>> - clamav is not installed from RPM?? (Dag Wieers is making excellent
>> .src.rpms for clam) http://dag.wieers.com/packages/clamav/
> Yes, I couldn't remember where they were. Does his rpm install into
> /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin? It's just that virus.scanners.conf assumes it
> is in /usr/local/bin, so I would have to write some code to automatically
> edit virus.scanners.conf for you.



>> - spamass 3 is included as an rpm package whereas in the past the advise
>> was not to use the rpm? do we need to clean out any files from tarball
>> spamass before using this version?
> The problem was always with using an RPM for it, and this is still a
> problem. It's to do with the way perl is structured, and there is nothing
> you can do about it.
> My package includes an SRPM (source RPM) for SpamAssassin, and rebuilds the
> RPM on your system so that it can guarantee to get all the directories right.
> You shouldn't need to clear anything out, as it should all be in the same
> place, and so will overwrite the old tarball installation.

>> Thanks again for such an excellent support package!!
> No problem.
>> On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Julian Field wrote:
>>> I have just published a package that will install ClamAV (if you want it
>>> to), SpamAssassin 3 and all their dependencies, so that you can use the
>>> "clamavmodule" scanner and the latest release candidate of SpamAssassin 3.
>>> This package contains all of the non-RPM package I published a few days
>>> ago, together with an equivalent setup for RPM-based systems.
>>> Should help you get going nice and quickly.
>>> It's at
>>> http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/files/4/install-Clam-SA.tar.gz
>>> which is mentioned in the "Other stuff" bit of the downloads page on
>>> www.mailscanner.info.
>>> Let me know if you have any problems with it.
>>> I have tried it on RedHat, SuSE and Solaris systems.
> --
> Julian Field
> www.MailScanner.info
> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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